Celebrating The Freedom To Give!

why_give “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”   –Sir Winston Churchill

Even the smallest giving gesture causes a ripple effect of generosity. Living is giving and to learn the art of living is like choosing a life that resembles a river rather than a reservoir.

There are so many ways to give; it never grows old. It revives, refreshes and strengthens the best in us.

Virtually all successful – and certainly all happy people – have discovered the beauty of giving. It extends beyond the other person, reflecting back to you!


  • It can make a positive difference to others.
  • There are emotional, physical, & financial benefits to you.
  • It can help you achieve your full potential.
  • It can bring you more meaning, fulfillment, and happiness.
  • New Relationships
  • A feeling of security
  • Good health
  • A sense of empowerment, pride, and accomplishment
  • Happiness
  • Peace and love


  • One out of every four people in the world is starving.
  • As many as 1.5 billion people in the world do not have enough clean water.
  • At least 20 million people are suffering the horror of war, imprisonment, and torture.
  • At least 27 million people are victims of human trafficking in the world.
  • Every few seconds a child dies from a preventable disease.
  • One-seventh of the world’s population is illiterate.
  • In the United States, the world’s richest country, 3 million people are homeless each year.

There are also great needs within your own community. In the face of such need and desperation, you have two choices: you can decide to help others and change lives, or you can decide to do nothing and lose the benefits of giving. But remember, when people come together to tackle a difficult situation, they receive far more than they can ever imagine. There are unlimited ways to make a positive difference in the world through giving. Passion for a worthwhile cause helps you tap into your creativity and encourages innovation. You are a conduit – the more you allow giving to flow through you, the more abundance flows back into your life. The more you give, the more you will receive.

Just by virtue of birth, you were bestowed with the gift of life, breath and the earth that provides you a multitude of natural resources. With all that is received, our purpose in life is to give back in gratitude for those gifts. Additionally, each person has unique talents, skills and abilities, no matter how small. Giving allows you to share those qualities with others to enhance their lives and yours.

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