Celebrating The Freedom To Give!


G.I.A needs you to help spread the message of spontaneous generosity. Become a GIA agent and find creative ways to give to individuals, organizations or charities. Share these giving stories on our site and encourage others to expand their " giving footprint". GIA agents look for giving opportunities in their communities, on their jobs, during business trips or even while on vacation. When these giving ideas are shared they create philanthropic momentum that ignites the generosity gene in people everywhere.

No give is too small, there are no fees involved or lengthy applications to become a GIA agent.
The only requirements are understanding the benefits associated with giving, both for yourself and others.


Giving Clubs provide the opportunity for several givers to pool resources in order to make a larger impact. These teams of motivated givers also work together identifying worthy causes or individuals. There are people in need that cross our paths each day and Giving Clubs provide a effective way to address these needs. Members of the club will identify impactful opportunities and bring their findings back to the group. By working as a team to pool funds/resources, these clubs make it easy to have a huge impact on the Giving Footprint of your community.



Giving Clubs are 100% FREE!

You Can Give Time, Services, Gifts or Financially

A Giving Club works by establishing basic guidelines, goals and actions, that have a positive impact in the lives of others. This is typically achieved when two or more individuals work together as a team, (Giving Club) to achieve a giving goal. Each giving club has its own set of guidleines and goals, crafted by its members. This allows each club to function effectively in their community. Giving In America, serves to promote, educate and spread the spirit of giving throughout communities across america.


Once a person or group has decided to start a Giving Club, there are a few simple guidelines to follow in order to establish it and keep things on track. You are free to develop the format your club uses to accumulate donations and distribute gifts in the way you see fit.
Here are some suggestions:

Invite Others To Join Your Giving Club!

Send a quick invitation to a friend, then follow the simple steps below. That's It!

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STEP 1 - Establish Club Guidelines and Goals

Before giving as a club, establish guidelines. Guidelines will help with decision making and allow non-members to decide whether to join your club. Once guidelines are in order, you can then begin setting giving goals for your club.

Guidelines can include, but are not limited to:

  1. Elected positions that can be rotated after each give, such as: Chief Philanthropist, Gift Historian, Giving Researcher...
  2. Regularly scheduled meeting times. (Whether in person, online or through conference calls)
  3. Deciding whether to exclude giving to family & friends of club members
  4. Setting financial limits when giving funds as a gift
  5. Deciding whether political organizations are off limits

STEP 2 - Schedule Your Giving Dates

Schedule the time allowed to raise funds or prepare your gift between gives. Then choose the number of gives your club will complete over a specified period of time. It is often helpful to coordinate the number of gives with the number of club members.

For example:

  1. Six members, six months – do a give every month for six months
  2. Six members, twelve months – do a give every other month for a year
  3. Four members, once a quarter – do a give every three months

This format gives each member of the club the opportunity to have the worthy cause or individual that they identified funded by the club.

STEP 3 - Securely Store Funds or Gifts

For security, collect funds or gifts from club members right before the actual give. Each member should make a commitment to the financial amount, gift or service they will contribute to the give. Each member can present their give on the specified date.

STEP 4 - Celerate Your Give

Everytime you reach your goals as a club, you are contributing to the Butterfly Effect. Don't forget to celebrate or reward your efforts because others are watching, and they want a good reason to celebrate too. Invite them to join your club!

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