Celebrating The Freedom To Give!


Don’t seem to have a minute to spare in your schedule? Or perhaps you are on a tight financial budget, which ever situation you find yourself in there are ways that you can give. When looking for ways to make a difference, always consider your available Time, Talents and Resources. When you include all three of these areas as buckets from which to give, you increase the potential scope of impact that you have as a giver.

TYPES OF GIVING (Click Each Bar To Expand)


Volunteer at a local school-Contact the school office to find out what the volunteer opportunities are and the requirements (schools are often required to perform background checks on individuals volunteering or working on their campus). But don’t let this discourage you, once it’s completed you are all set to serve.

Serve at a local Homeless Shelter- From serving meals to tutoring or teaching a skill that you posses, there are several areas of need at most shelters or soup kitchens.

Research the nonprofit organizations in your immediate area and volunteer to assist with upcoming projects. Organizations like Habitat for Humanity operate in almost every state. Find out when and where the next project will be and join in. Sponsor a community clean up- clean up trash and debris from the roadside, parks or the median. Enlist the assistance of friends, family members or co workers to assist you with a project that will have an immediate impact.


Every person has a talent or skill that is unique. Perhaps you are a great singer, juggler, or story--teller. You may be skilled at computers, painting, drawing, or typing. Maybe you really enjoy editing papers, making jewelry, organizing, or fixing automobiles. Freely offer your talents in your community and others; you will bring much-needed assistance and joy to many lives.

Sing for seniors at a nursing home.
Read to children at a local library.
Organize a room in an office or home of someone in your community.
Make jewelry for children in foster care.
Donate a day of automobile service to an elder, single parent or teenager.
Give a half a day or day of computer service to a shop or church.


No matter how much or little of a material item you have - such as money, clothes, equipment, jewelry – there is enough to share even a small portion of it with someone or a group that does not have.

Donate $10 to your local school to support an upcoming field trip or school-wide supplies.
During your next grocery store shopping trip, pick up extra bottled water and deliver it to the homeless.
Repair an old printer, computer or phone and donate it a non-profit.
Select 5 books from your collection and donate them to the library, foster home, or shelter.
Call around to see if a school or organization is participating in a recycling program. Look around your home for unused recyclable items that seem to collect over time such as plastic or aluminum water bottles or grocery bags and contribute to that program.
Gather loose change in drawers, couches, countertops, cars, pockets, and unused purses/wallets, exchange for dollars and donate to a charity.
For a month or longer, take 1% of your income and donate it to a cause you are passionate about.
Instead of throwing away old clothes and shoes, contact local agencies and schedule donation pickups.
Give someone that does not have a mode of transportation a ride to the grocery store.
Run an errand for someone you know is extremely busy.
Pick up and deliver a meal to a friend in the hospital.
Next time your buy gas for your car, leave an extra $20 with the attendant for the next person who comes in.


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